Satwant’s Journey – Her Story So Far!
Satwant’s narrative begins in 1972 being a young daughter from the Indian diaspora, her parents emigrated to the UK. She is from a generation whereby the racial categorisation of Asian was emergent in society. This representation serves her diasporic, cultural and ethnic background namely being from Indian heritage. Being a daughter of Indian diasporic immigrants, her upbringing was rich with cultural experiences, inquisitiveness, and an abundance of conversations where the theme of social justice was prominent during her early formative years whereby she engaged in a whole spectrum of dialogues. Along with her lived experience and value base, Satwant often reflects on how this has influenced her style and her passion for working with structural inequalities, organisational change, inclusive leadership and culture.
Working With Your Organisation - My Offer
As a skilled Consultant, Facilitator, Executive Coach, Satwant has worked on engaging global transformational leadership programmes; diversity and inclusion: team effectiveness and organisational development. She has successfully designed, facilitated, and coached leaders in organisations across the public sector, corporate sector and with NGO’s and Civil Society clients. Satwant has facilitated and lead programme design in South East Asia, Middle East and Africa. Her expertise excels at working at Senior Executive level, Executive Boards level, Director level, Middle Managers, and with Teams. Satwant’s experience in the field of Organisational Development extends across different sectors. As an Organisational Development practitioner, she has a strong desire to be an enabler and utilises the use of self as an instrument for change. This also enables individuals to build effective relationships so that they can own interventions and maximise results. Satwant operates with compassion and humanity in creating safe and trusted spaces when mobilising participants through their lens of lived experiences. This creates both autonomy and exploration of different perspectives around leadership resulting in high impact where groups and participants can address systemic organisational change. Her portfolio provides her with a strong underlying knowledge of systems and the complexity of adaptive human systems and how to transform different stories/narratives that people, leaders, communities hold for themselves. A critical part of reframing and encouraging more vibrant and range of multiple stories/narratives that promotes authentic dialogue for learners to embrace.
Ubuntu – Humanity and Human Spirit
Satwant’s pedagogy and philosophy is underpinned by the African social and collective philosophy of Ubuntu. A direct translation of Ubuntu in which the Zulus would say, “Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu”, which means that a person is a person through other persons. This forms a large part of the heartbeat of Satwant and her approach. Her passion is for working with people, capturing human spirit, engaging in dialogue and developing individuals, teams and organisations in systemic learning and developmental interventions. With a particular interest in the underlying behaviours that make up organisational culture, Satwant will bring an inclusion lens to all her work. When you work with Satwant you will soon notice her passion and energy. Satwant believes in a world where difference is embraced, and joy is attained through connection, she will undoubtedly leave your organisation feeling aligned, and on a journey towards a destination where all understand the part they will play in its success. Amongst her key strengths is the ability to work collaboratively and collegiality, providing support to organisations in promoting a dialogue and creating spaces for progressing leadership and organisational change at a systemic level. Establishing mutuality in the different learning environments is a core principle of hers and complements her collegiate approach.
Offering Multiple Lens
Satwant has an ongoing desire to empower learners, participants and coachees to embrace an intellectual appetite for increased self-awareness. She thrives when given the opportunity to work with individuals on their self-awareness, creating opportunities in them for a mindset shift which in turn leads to increased connection and effectiveness in the communities they live and work in. Encouraging those she works with to travel a continuously unfolding journey. During here MSc studies she lived and studied in the Netherlands and studied at the Vrije University in Amsterdam. She was awarded a Cum Lade for her thesis research, exploring the intersections of race, gender, class and ethnicity for second-generation Creole and Hindustani Surinamese women and, the unfolding trajectory of their gender narratives that created connection, a sense of belonging and community in the Netherlands. Satwant’s work always incorporates an Intersectionality lens. Programme design that is underpinned by an intent to shift desire and mindsets. This usually involves provoking some of the inter-disciplinary thought leadership through facilitated discussions.